Enter letters manually, or use the buttons to randomly generate letters. Press 'Solve' to have the app find the best solutions!
0 letters
Enter numbers manually, using a comma to separate e.g. "50, 6, 4, 3, 2, 9", or use the buttons to randomly generate a set of numbers. Press 'Solve' to have the app find the a solution!
My mum is a big fan of Countdown and does little number puzzles in her spare time. I wrote this app in Python originally to help her with any particularly tricky ones, but there was no way for her to access it without me, so I rewrote it in JavaScript and embedded into a more rounded application.
Adding the clock and audio was just for lols.
Did I learn anything important from this exercise? Yes - how and why to properly scope my variables! Took an age to track down a bug linked to bad scoping.