I spend a lot of time doing some basic maths on various aspects of personal finance - mortgage, loans, bank interest rates. It can actually be quite tough to understand which route is the best suited to certain situations. Furthermore, which might be best for the long term isn't always best for the short-term - and vice-versa. If you have specific financial goals, I hope this app can be useful to help you understand your options.
I am not a financial advisor. I take no responsibility for any numbers produced by this widget. All numbers are approximate, do not take them as fully accurate.
P.s. My tax calculator and mortgage calculator apps might be of interest in financial planning scenarios. This app uses all the same maths as the mortgage app but displays it over a fixed time-period, to try to make planning simpler.
Scenario 1
Blue = without extras appliedOrange = with extras applied
Scenario 2
Blue = without extras appliedOrange = with extras applied
Scenario 3
Blue = without extras appliedOrange = with extras applied
Scenario 4
Blue = without extras appliedOrange = with extras applied